
  • 动画
  • 理查德·格雷弗斯 SusanSheridan JackMay 本杰明·惠特罗 Susan Sheridan 杰克·梅 Willie
  • 每集 45分钟
  • Muzzy the friendly green clock-eating monster from…Muzzy the friendly green clock-eating monster from outer space returns for more adventures with his friends in Gondoland. Everyone expects him and King Nigel with Queen Ezra decide to make a ball for Amanda's christain . Meanwhile, Corvax invents an invisibility device and with the help of a servant named Thimbo a Thief on parole plans to kidnap Amanda, Bob and Sylvia's daughter to avenge Bob for tricking him and taking Sylvia away from him.Corvax and Thimbo succeed in kidnapping Amanda and they get away on Nigel's yacht. However, Amanda sinks the boat by pulling the plug out of the hull. The three manage to survive and they go to Corvax's hideout - a small hut which in fact turns out to be Corvax's operations centre. Meanwhile, Muzzy, Nigel, Ezra, Bob and Sylvia follow Corvax's trail, recover Nigel's yacht and track Corvax to his hideout.At the same time Corvax and Thimbo have a problem: Amanda got hungry and wants to eat. While preparing the food, Thimbo lets the invisibility device loose and then it is picked up by Amanda, who activates it. Corvax and Thimbo try to find Amanda but they fail. Muzzy, Nigel, Bob, Ezra and Sylvia enter the hideout and confront Corvax. Thimbo commits treason and reveals to Nigel that this hut is an operations center. Meanwhile Amanda is found but she can't be seen. Muzzy constructs another invisibility device and uses it to make Amanda visible. All then go back to the palace. Corvax and his coward friend Thimbo ride with sheep, to receive the ultimate punishment, which is in Britain 250 years in prison. Many people believe another Muzzy should be made.



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答:这部影片的上映时间是2023-02-15 12:12:19

2、问:《玛泽回来了》动画 在哪个电视台播出?

答:《玛泽回来了》网络播出平台有:腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、星空影院等视频不免费平台, 。

3、问:动画 《玛泽回来了》演员表

答:玛泽回来了是理查德·格雷弗斯 SusanSheridan JackMay 本杰明·惠特罗 Susan Sheridan 杰克·梅 Willie 领衔主演的年代动画 剧。。该剧于2023-02-15 12:12:19在 腾讯爱奇艺星空影院优酷、等平台同步播出。






Mtime时光网网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书 比小说更高 基于虚拟与幻想 回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子




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